Monday, August 15, 2011
looking for a queen
Saturday, August 13, 2011
No brood
Sunday, August 7, 2011
This can't be good
So, when I opened my hive I noticed the honey supers weren't full. In fact there was very little capped comb. When I got down to the bottom or brood super that's when it looked bad. There was no brood at all. It's almost like I've lost my queen. I'll need to ask around to see if this is common for these conditions or if I need to just start over next spring.
This is the kind of thing that being in a beekeepers association will help me.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
From the ground up
I thought today I'd start photographing the pieces of my hive and assembling them for the benefit of my followers that don't have bees.
This is the hives stand. I'm putting my hive on cinder blocks so I don't really need this but I think it makes the hive look complete. It's only real purpose is to get the hive up off the ground.
This is the screened bottom board. Some bottom boards are solid this one allows for ventilation and allow debris to fall through. The white board you see has a grid printed on it. That's for checking for Verroa mites. The Grid helps you keep track of where you have looked
Here's the bottom board on the the hive stand.
This is a super. It's just a box with no top or bottom.
This is a frame. There are several types and sizes of frames but you match the size to the size of your super. I have medium supers.
This is foundation. I'm using pure beeswax foundation but there are plastic frames and foundation. The black lines you see are wires imbedded in the wax for support.
See how thin the foundation is?
Here's the foundation in the frame. The foundation has the hexagonal shape of the comb cells embossed into it just to give the bees a start. I'm not sure why it's made like that bees already know how to make that shape.
This is a super with the frames in it. I'm using 8 frame supers. Some beekeepers use 10 frame supers.
Here's the super on the bottom board. If I were actually setting up this hive I would put another super with frames on. One for brood and one for honey. Then add another later when the bees had drown out and capped most of the cells.
This is the top board. Think of this as the ceiling of the hive. Notice the notch in the back? That's for ventilation if needed. I can slide the top forward or back to open or close this.
The top board in place.
This is the top to my hive notice it has a ceiling built into it? Most hives just have a flat top. Mine are english garden style so they have the pitched copper top.
This is it all put together. Again if I were actually setting this up I'd have a second super on it.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
New photo
Thursday, May 19, 2011
busy as bees
I have a picture of my hive with the extra super on it but evidently I haven't down loaded it from my camera yet. Maybe this weekend. :)
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
nothing new
Thursday, May 5, 2011
three story hive
To answer Carla's question from the last post. A capped cell is where the bees seal or cap a cell in the comb. In the honey super it means ripe honey. In the brood super it means a larva is pupateing. A super is a box with four sides, no top or bottom that hold the frames of comb.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Got honey
Monday, May 2, 2011
no news.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
No more freeloading
Last night was the final class in the beginners beekeeping class. It was nice to be able to have things explained that I had only read about. I asked the teacher if bees built queen cells just for the sake of building them. He said they will sometimes build the cups just to haave them on hand but unless they need a new queen they won't have larva in them. Now I need to look for the queen again.
For anyone in Arkansas interested the contact info for instructor is...
Jon Zawislak
University of Arkansas
Cooperation Extention service
2301 University Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72204
He says email is the best way to get a good answer because he travels withhis job so much.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
One week later.....
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Here's my hive.
Success! See the bees with the yellow leggings? That's pollen. I've been calling them my little freeloaders because they've just been drinking the syrup in the feeder but now they are starting to forage. I've wondered if they were actually drinking that syrup or if they tiny carboys they were putting it in to make their own brew.
The bees R buzzin'
For those wanting viuals I tooks a couple of pictures today. the next step is figuring out how to post them on here. I suppose I'll need to upload them to Flicker and then link to them. If anyone has a better way please let me know.